Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thanks to the Earthworm!

"Give thanks to the earthworm," says my dear friend Cindy yesterday.

Long story.

And as the day darkens into night, I cover my girls up with slim sheets and heavy blessings, reflecting on today closing its door behind us. This STOP mission is not easy work. It means really having to STOP, thoughts, actions, lips. It means having to cease the rush inside that's ready to pounce on any given moment. Even now, as I type, I hear my girls, up, denying sleep and disobeying my strategic curfew. Mommy's alone time will just have to wait.

I did okay today. I really did. I had a ton of things to do and I managed to STOP when the situation called for it. I also reminded myself how this mission is not just to help recreate the moment, but to cherish it too. Cherish the distraction, the chaos and loud events and give thanks. Make them holy, a peace in their own right. Each moment is a gift from God, however that moment presents itself. How often do I remember to slow down, drink in the moment, not take it for granted because sooner or later, all moments will STOP and there will be no more. Whether it's me or those I love that go back home to Him, those moments together do end. So why dismiss them, the good and the bad ones?

Today, I stopped more often than normal. I handed things over, most times. I'm learning this as I go along. However, I noticed that when I gave these distractions to God, He immediately gifted me with an attitude of calmness and patience. I was soft-spoken, nicer and more understanding. I felt these qualities, I became these qualities for those quick seconds, minutes. He recreated those moments and I simply enacted them. I felt closer to Him in doing so.

I also tried to remember to give thanks. I keep hearing Cindy's words, "Give thanks to the earthworm." Point being, give thanks, even to the crappy stuff that we would normally curse. Who knows why God placed it in our story, nonetheless, there they are, the earthworms and oh how I have to trust their purpose for God's glory despite my objections. In the end, to deny the earthworms in our lives will be to deny the plan that God has already plotted for us. I have said no to His plan for years, running into bad moments and pitfall decisions so now that I know better, how wrong would I be to now give God's plan the hand and keep trying to solve problems my way. I'm way too in love with Him to even think of denying the love He has for me. Although my nature calls for me to live unsatisfied, I have to learn to not do the very things I hate.

Thanks Apostle Paul. :)

Hence, I will continue to STOP, hand life's issues over to Him. I will continue to give thanks for
170. small footsteps past nine o'clock,
171. the dolls thrown on the dinning room floor,
172. the strips of cut papers and glitter on the coffee table,
173. having to say good night to a husband I miss so much each day,
174. to the little one who raise the TV volume up to the highest setting,
175. the six-year-old who whines and complains over every sheet of homework every day,
176. the very full basket of laundry that's about to overflow,
177. the never-ending dishes,
178. the hot stove,
179. the constant bills,
180. the cries and the fights,
181. the ups and the downs,
182. the highs and the lows...

183. and of course the earthworms.

Thanks Cindy.

God bless!

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