What if...
1. I decided to go into nursing instead of design?
2. my mother decided to move back t0 Puerto Rico when I was 5 yrs?
3. my dad was actually around?
4. I would've had two sons instead of two daughters?
5. Jesse would've reconciled with Zaes's mom?
6. I never picked up that first cigarette?
7. my mom would've let me join the CAD club in high school?
8. my high school guidance counselor was Catholic?
9. I insisted on playing the drums instead of settling for the violin?
10. the offer we put down for the house in Mahopac was accepted?
I could go on and on with the "what ifs" but if they became the "what happened" then my life would be so different. I have to say I am truly blessed right now, this very moment. I'm glad the "what ifs" didn't occur.
Today is the Feast of the Solemnity of the Annunciation. In other words, we celebrate Mary's "Yes," or, in her words, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." As holy as Mary was, I doubt she would've refused the task, but what if Mary all of a sudden weakened at Gabriel's announcement? What if she thought ahead to the upcoming days when she'd have to face Joseph, or the upcoming months of having to bear a child in a stable filled with animals? What if she thought about how hard it would be too see Him suffer and die before her very eyes? What if just the mere thought of bearing and raising the Son of God was too overwhelming? What if...?
God knew what was in Mary's heart. He waited for this moment for over 4,000 years. His plan took a little time to start to unfold, but I have to say, it was perfect. Every detail was perfect, from the beautiful silence of the Annunciation to the Glorious Resurrection. Every wonderful element fell into its wonderful place which brings us to today.
Our lives may not look perfect. My life is a huge mess, let me tell you. I'm sure that if my life were a painting it would be a Jackson Pollock. My life seems like it had no rhyme and reason until now, but God doesn't see it that way. To my Creator, my life is His very own work of art, a beautiful piece that He calls His Own. He feels this way about your life too and all the lives He's created. God doesn't play "what ifs". He plays "what is." There are no mistakes in our lives. Each moment was meant to happen so that He can be glorified through us. He gives us every opportunity to show His grace, but He respects us when we decide to overlook Him in all of ourselves.
Mary said "Yes" to God's plan. It costed her a lot, I am sure, but in the end she saw why it needed to be done. We can and should say yes to His plan too, because in the end we will see why. All we're asked to do is to trust in Our Father and rise to the occasion.
What if you made His Will yours? Say "Yes" to Him and see where He takes you.
God bless!
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