For many years, I didn't see myself as a sinner. I saw myself as a victim that needed saving. I felt that my life was a series of choices and decisions that no one in their right mind would make, but I made out of fear. I identified with all that I went through with the feeling of it all being my fault. Well, some things were circumstances that I fell into, but surely, many others were decisions I made.
But me, a sinner? No I couldn't call myself that. That's not fair. I didn't feel like an evil person. Sinners are evil people with mean spirits, devils.
When I began to reconcile with My Father, for the first time in my life, I realized that I was a sinner and because of my offenses, I remained distant, aloof. Little by little, God opened up my heart, showed me something new each day and gave me another look at my life. I'm not an evil person with a mean spirit, but ignoring God and making decisions that only God should make made me just as much a sinner as anyone else.
If you believe you're a sinner, then you also believe you need a Savior. The good thing about all of this is that we don't have to go looking for Him. He's been here all along, just waiting for our call.
Turn. Look and see. Ask for help and let Him pick you up. It'll be the beginning of the great life He's planned for you and me.
God bless!
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